The Properties of Mica Pigment Make it Worth the Uses
The groups of minerals that have the similar physical and chemical properties are termed as mica. The micas are silicate minerals, known as sheet silicates as they are produced from distinct layers. These are light, soft, and the sheet and minute particles are fairly flexible. Mica pigment powders are heat-resistant and don’t conduct heat. Basically, the most commonly used mica minerals, among the 37 different types, are black biotite, purple lepidolite, brown phlogopite, and clear muscovite. Furthermore, due to the non-toxic silicate mineral property, mica has been used for centuries. Most mined mica claims to have blue or green hues, but for making a different color appearance, iron oxides and other additives are added to it. Every so often, heat-treating is used to raise the metallic appearance of the mica.